Benefits for Schools
Legislative oversight and updates on issues facing Christian Daycares (DCF) and Schools (DOE-State Legislature) in Tallahassee
State Bible, Fine Arts, and Academic Competitions with opportunities to participate on the National Competition Level with AACS (American Association of Christian Schools, Inc.)
Fellowship with like minded member schools
Every other year State Teacher's Convention
Religious Exempt Accreditation for member Christian Daycare centers and Learning Centers (Ages Infant through K4) through our Sonshine Association of Christian Schools, Inc.
State guidance and assistance to member schools seeking accreditation through AACS.
Benefits for Students
Bible, Fine Arts, and Academic Competitions with opportunities to participate on the National
Competition Level with AACS.
Bible Preaching and Teaching mentoring sessions with experienced Pastors and Bible Teachers each February at the Bible Competition in Tampa.
Student Leadership Conference held each November in Land O'Lakes
Youth Legislative Training held in Tallahassee in October.
Fellowship with likeminded students from other Christian schools
Benefits for Teachers
Fellowship and instruction from Christian educators from other member schools and Christian colleges at our State Teacher's Convention held in odd numbered years.
Opportunities for teachers to share their knowledge and experience in workshops held at our State Teacher's Convention.
Teacher Certifications through AACS as a member of SSACS.
Professional Development (10 Contact Hours) from attendance at the State Teacher's Convention